Perseverance is the key to success
Perseverance is the key to success
You’ve put all your heart and energy into a project. But to this day, you can’t see the fruits of your labor. The results pale in comparison with all the work you’ve done. And that’s very discouraging. We tell ourselves inside that we should stop fighting. We have to limit the damage. What’s the point of fighting so hard for so little? Honestly, we’ve all been there. We find ourselves haunted by these negative ideas of failure and abandonment that keep echoing in our minds. And they suck up what little strength we have. To the point of completely paralyzing us in life.
If I had one piece of advice to give you. I’d tell you not to give up and to keep persevering. When you plant a seed in the ground. You don’t reap the fruits immediately. It takes a long time to grow. You water regularly, you work and you wait. And it’s the same in life.
When you have plans, dreams, desires to do this or that. Things don’t happen so quickly. It takes a long time before you can see and feel the fruits of what you’ve sown. If you decide to give up now, how do you expect your actions to come to fruition?
First of all, what is perseverance?
In my opinion, perseverance is one of the keys to success. Perseverance is the ability to pursue your goals without giving up. It’s the ability to hold on in the face of obstacles, trials and difficulties. Persisting again and again until you reach your goal and your dreams. For me, it’s an important quality for realizing one’s potential in life. Perseverance is a real blessing, because it often goes hand in hand with patience, determination and endurance.
No one can defeat a persevering person. For they are imbued with faith. They fight and persevere, because deep down they know they’ve already succeeded. You’ve worked so hard all these years for your business, to save your marriage, to have a child or for all kinds of dreams. My advice is to keep hoping. Never give up! And even though you can’t see anything, keep hoping and hoping and hoping. The people who have made their mark on the world are perseverance warriors. Despite the many difficulties they have faced. The weapon of perseverance was inside them like a shield.
What are the benefits of this quality?
Patience is the key.
A patient man has already won everything. A persevering person is patient in life. They know that Rome wasn’t built in a day. And that it took men, action and, above all, time to build it. So, act and let time bring your projects to maturity.
We gain in endurance.
Endurance is an enormous quality. It’s the ability to withstand physical fatigue, hardship and suffering over time. Despite the difficulties that surround us. You stay focused on your goal. And you keep going.
You get a spirit of determination.
It’s important to keep persevering. Because it instills in us a spirit of determination. We’re convinced that we’ve already succeeded, because an inner force pushes us to persist.
It builds character.
As I said earlier, a person who perseveres is more patient, more enduring. He’s determined to succeed. And his character changes, because he has self-confidence and faith in what he’s doing. It’s an excellent skill for building and asserting character.
You learn from your mistakes.
Often, when something doesn’t work. There’s always a reason for it. Persevering allows us to see the mistakes we’ve made, to define them. Then we can find solutions or new strategies to deal with them.
We strengthen our faith.
Faith is the firm assurance of things we cannot see. There are no better battles than fighting through life with hope and faith. The greater the struggle, the greater the reward.
We turn our failures into strengths.
When we understand our mistakes. It’s very important not to feel sorry for yourself. Okay, I did this or that wrong. But I also managed to make those things happen. It’s important to learn from our failures and mistakes and then turn them into a real force for progress and advancement.
We cut off the voice of negative spirits.
When you have a goal in life. You’ll often encounter obstacles along the way. These difficulties can also materialize through human beings who will say negative words to discourage you, such as :
“It’s impossible. You can’t do it.”
“Your company doesn’t earn enough.”
“The figures aren’t good.”
“You’re too old or too young to do such and such.”
“It’s too late for you, you’re too old to have children or get married.”
“What you’re doing sucks!”
“Your marriage is dead, you’re better off separated.”
Mute the negative voices. If it didn’t work out for them. It’s because they didn’t have the faith and courage to fight for their dreams. It’s important to know that what you believe and feel in your heart. They can never feel it. These people aren’t in your shoes. Often, they’re throwing their own limitations and fears at you. Which have prevented them from realizing their full potential.
It’s very important that you reject all his negative words of discouragement. Surround yourself with positive people like yourself who are fighting for their projects or dreams. And you’ll feed off their positive vision to better advance your projects.
Success is achieved.
By dint of forging, you become a blacksmith. Perseverance will enable you to unblock certain situations and develop considerably. Perseverance is an enormous quality, because it’s one of the keys to success. It goes hand in hand with faith, patience, determination and endurance in the face of all obstacles and trials. Whether in studies, work, love or interpersonal relationships, perseverance is a key to success. Each time, you learn something new. You correct your mistakes. Until the fruit finally ripens. And you can harvest it.
You become a source of inspiration.
No matter what trials you go through. Keep on sowing and persevering. Perseverance brings respect and admiration. But it also inspires and motivates others to fight for their goals and dreams too.
“The good fight is to persevere with faith to realize all your projects. The key to success feeds on the perseverance of believing in what you can’t see.”
Shiny Iris